Music Ministries

The Sanctuary Choir
The sanctuary choir is excited to provide musical leadership during Worship Services. We practice Wednesdays at 7 pm, August - June. We prepare anthems and other music to enhance our worship each Sunday morning and at seasonal events such as Lent and Holy Week, Christmas, Advent, Thanksgiving, Veterans events and more. Join us!
The Sanctuary Ringers
Our adult hand bell ensemble presents music
for worship and seasonal events. We've also participated in a yearly hand bell festival.

The Celebration Choir
Now on an extended break, the Celebration choir is our senior adult choir of FBC. They've presented music at several locations, including retirement communities, assisted living centers and rehab facilities, plus at special worship services.
Join us or learn more!
Contact our Music Director, Dan Wynkoop, danielwynkoop@me.com, or the church office .